Web Resources

ExactSeek Keyword Tool

Keyword Research Tool powered by:

How to Use This Tool

This tool shows the 20 most popular keywords related to the keyword you entered.

Search Popularity: Indicates the relative search popularity of the keyword you entered and the keyword terms related to the keyword you entered. The keyword terms and search numbers are provided to assist you in selecting the best possible keyword term for your featured listing - the higher the search number the more popular that particular search term is on the ISEDN, ExactSeek or any other search engine.

CPC: This is the current average Cost Per Click on Google AdWords for the keyword. Remember, there is no Cost Per Click for ExactSeek Featured Listings - you only pay a one-time flat fee.

Availability: Indicates if your selected keyword or related terms is/are available for purchase in our network. A maximum of 30 featured listing ad spots are available for any given keyword term. A number less than 30 indicates some ad spots have been sold for that keyword term. If "N/A" appears in the Availability column, it means that the keyword term is currently sold out.

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